Latest Past Events

Recordbooks Due for County Judging

Dallas County Extension Office 10056 Marsh Lane, Suite B-101 , Dallas

Recordbooks are due to the county office for judging by 4pm on Friday, June 8, 2018.


Dallas County 4-H GEAR Robotic Contest

Kimball High School 3606 S Westmoreland Rd, Dallas

2018 GEAR Contest Test your skills at the Dallas County 4-H GEAR Robotic Contest May 19, 9-AM @ Kimball High School. Open to all 4-H age divisions! Free! MUST EMAIL for the link to register.

Food Show

Dallas County Extension Office 10056 Marsh Lane, Suite B-101 , Dallas

The theme for 2017-2018 is “Fresh from the Farm”.  We hope everyone can find fun ways to incorporate the importance of agriculture and the farm into your food project!  Be sure and take advantage of the food products grown in your area.  Year round, there are numerous ways to highlight the ways foods are grown and processed in our communities, state, and nation! Saturday, December 9th, 2017 12:00 pm: Food Show contestants arrive 12:15 pm: Food Show contestant orientation 12:15 pm: Parent orientation (Board room) 1:00 pm: Food Show... Read More →
