This demonstration talk covers the four basic elements of container gardening: pots, soil, plants, and time. Plant combinations for shade, sun, and different seasons are discussed, as well as new container systems.
Learn the importance of allowing the good bugs to help control the few bad bugs, thus creating a garden environment that requires little or no insecticide.
Provides an overview of plants that do well in North Central Texas and good horticulture practices that help ensure success. This presentation includes photos of the speaker's yard and garden.
Save money and feel accomplished while you grow the varieties you want by starting your vegetables from seed. This demonstration shows step-by-step how to successfully propagate seeds and care for seedings before planting them outdoors in the garden. Participants learn about the tools, supplies, and procedures.
How to Attract Butterflies and Hummingbirds by Janet D. Smith will be held at Preston Royal Branch Library. For more information, contact Susan McGinnis.
Plant Propagation for Novices and Pros will be held at the Texas Discovery Garden. For more information, contact Georgeann Moss with Dallas Council of Garden Clubs.
Come learn about your favorite herbs at this hands-on workshop taught by the Dallas County Master Gardeners! Be sure to bring your garden gloves so you can pot up herbs to take home with you. This introductory course will provide you with information about best growing conditions to help you start or add to your own herb garden. Free plants, door prizes, a tour of the beautiful gardens, and LOTS of fun! No experience is required for this class.